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5 indoor game ideas for children in the cold season

Du suchst nach Inspirationen für das bewegte Indoor-Spiel in der kalten Jahreszeit? Wir haben für dich 5 einfache Spielideen, die du mit Kindern umsetzen kannst. Viel Spaß!

5 Indoor Spielideen für Kinder in der kalten Jahreszeit5 Indoor Spielideen für Kinder in der kalten Jahreszeit

1st transport game: "Above over above"

Expand a movement landscape Stapelstein® Elements and everyday objects that children can use safely and independently (bed, sofa, table, chair). Now certain objects such as balls, chestnuts, leaves, feathers etc. Stapelstein® Originals, Insides or Boards transported from one side of the room to the other. The child can choose whether to climb over or under the furniture. Create your own rules of the game such as if the object falls to the ground, do three air jumps.

Tip: family season

When the children, their parents and even grandparents challenge. The game is particularly suitable for an exciting team game. Which team creates most of the objects in a given period of time? Team children or team adults?

2. Roll game: "Push the stone"

Divide a room with a rope or adhesive tape into two horizontal areas. Put any small and large one Stapelstein® Elements in one of the two sections and stand at the end of this area. Now you only try to push all elements over the line into the other part of the room. Stop time with a hourglass or use ours Stapelstein® Inspire app For even more dynamics in the game.

Tip: particularly suitable as a team game.

3. Litter game: "choice of colors"

It is best for this game to Original rainbow. All elements are placed on the floor with the round side in a line. Depending on the age of the child, a starting line from which is thrown can be determined. Before you start, small litter -safe everyday objects are collected, which clearly the colors of the Originals can be assigned. Examples of this are colorful clothes pegs, monochrome colorful (crochet) balls, filled small sand, rice or deer scales, socks or balls of wool, felt balls, knotted towels, small soft toys and more. Put all collected objects in a basket. The child now tries from the starting line to meet all objects in color in the bowls. In order to make the game more dynamic, a hourglass or a song as a timer.

Variant for older children: throwing letters and numbers

To do this, you need letters or numbers instead of the objects. Think about words that the number of Originals correspond, such as autumn, snow, summer, nut, Orange Or create his own word creations etc. The child tries to throw each individual letter of the word into a bowl.
Do you have math tasks such as 5+8 =? or 9-2? = 7 Then the task in which you throw the right numbers into a bowl. You can fill this throwing game with all possible learning content because learning should simply be fun.

4. Hidden game: "ENE, mene mente - all elements are hidden"

A game that already lets young children are feverish. A child who plays along hides the desired number Stapelstein® Elements in the room. Everyone else closes the eyes. If all elements are well hidden, the child speaks the spell: "Ene mene mente - all elements are hidden" and the search for the disappeared Originals, Insides and/and Boards can begin.
On the one hand, the aim of the game can be that all elements are found together or the rule says who has found an element can take it. The winner is who ultimately found the most elements and the next step is the “hiding place”.

5. DIY game and decorative tip: "Light sculpture"

You need:
  • at least two Stapelstein® Elements
  • a light chain (preferably operated with battery or batteries)
  • Optionally fine cotton towels (chiffon towels)
Build with the different Stapelstein® Elements and towels a sculpture and integrate a chain of lights. Use the shining 3D figure as a sub light, as a light source in self -made caves or astonishment over the artistic light sculpture.
Get ours for even more game impulses Digital Play Cards Or browse in our magazine contribution Basic functions, there you will find ideas for using the Stapelstein® Elements.

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