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Basic functions of Stapelstein® Elements

Basic functions of Stapelstein® Elements

With the Stapelstein® We give you practical accompanying, playing and movement elements. The simple and flexible shapes invite you to multifunctional uses, such as stacking, putting, turning, sorting, colors and numbers, training the balance in a playful way and much more. For you, we have listed the 10 basic functions that encourage you to play and move and download free game ideas.

With the help of Stapelstein® Elements can gain sensible experiences that can better absorb and internalize them through movement. These game ideas with Stapelstein® Activate body and mind.

Kinder bauen mit dem Stapelstein® rainbow classic einen Turm
Stacking games

Create Stapelstein® Elements life -size game worlds. Become Originals A stable stack is created. If you put them offset or on each other with the round side, a wobbly tower forms. With the Stapelstein® Inside You can freely expand elements to play the stacking. Whether putting together or stacking together, Inside fascinates both as a single set and in combination with Originals.

Kinder sortieren im Stapelstein® rainbow pastel Gegenstände nach Farben
Sorting games

The different colors of the Stapelstein® Originals rain to order. For example, color sequences or patterns can be formed in the stack or on the floor. In order to increase the difficulty, not only the color, but also the alignment of the elements can play a role when sorting, i.e. whether they are on the head or on the side, for example. The also more tricky sorting and play fun ensure that Inside Elements.

Kinder bauen mit dem Stapelstein® rainbow classic einen Turm
Stacking games

Create Stapelstein® Elements life -size game worlds. Become Originals A stable stack is created. If you put them offset or on each other with the round side, a wobbly tower forms. With the Stapelstein® Inside You can freely expand elements to play the stacking. Whether putting together or stacking together, Inside fascinates both as a single set and in combination with Originals.

Kinder sortieren im Stapelstein® rainbow pastel Gegenstände nach Farben
Sorting games

The different colors of the Stapelstein® Originals rain to order. For example, color sequences or patterns can be formed in the stack or on the floor. In order to increase the difficulty, not only the color, but also the alignment of the elements can play a role when sorting, i.e. whether they are on the head or on the side, for example. The also more tricky sorting and play fun ensure that Inside Elements.

Mama und Kind spielen mit dem Stapelstein® rainbow classic Verstecken
Hide -and -seek

Among the Stapelstein® Original but also under Stapelstein® Inside All sorts of objects can be hidden in order to find them in the game or to uncover them. You connect two Originals With the help of the waves, larger or more things can be hidden in this so-called wobbly egg. Top tip: the Inside Elements fit exactly in one Original Worn-egg and the individual elements can be discovered by layer, as on matroschka art.

Balancing games

With Stapelstein® Products can be built by great balancing paths. Depending on whether the elements are on the top or underside, it is more difficult or easier to keep the balance. Especially the Inside Bring elements, with their different sizes, an additional fun factor to the balancing game. Instead of your own body, a child can also balance a ball on the arched surface, for example. The Stapelstein® Board Expands the opportunities to playfully train their balance.

Mama und Kind spielen mit dem Stapelstein® rainbow classic Verstecken
Hide -and -seek

Among the Stapelstein® Original but also under Stapelstein® Inside All sorts of objects can be hidden in order to find them in the game or to uncover them. You connect two Originals With the help of the waves, larger or more things can be hidden in this so-called wobbly egg. Top tip: the Inside Elements fit exactly in one Original Worn-egg and the individual elements can be discovered by layer, as on matroschka art.

Balancing games

With Stapelstein® Products can be built by great balancing paths. Depending on whether the elements are on the top or underside, it is more difficult or easier to keep the balance. Especially the Inside Bring elements, with their different sizes, an additional fun factor to the balancing game. Instead of your own body, a child can also balance a ball on the arched surface, for example. The Stapelstein® Board Expands the opportunities to playfully train their balance.

Game idea Balance letters

Every child stands on one Stapelstein® Original. The game management names a letter. The children then balance on the element one -legged and try to write the letters into the air with the other leg. How many letters do you do? You can download the whole game idea and its variations as a PDF.

Illustration der Spielidee Balance Buchstaben
Mama und Kind kreiseln mit dem Stapelstein® board in blau
Roundabout games

Both the Stapelstein® Original as well as Inside and that Board can either turn into a roundabout or you can circle other things in it. As a great giant girdle, it works Stapelstein® Original and that Board, If you are placed on the side or placed on the round head side. On the head side of the head, a child can also circle around by sitting down in the hollow side and drives with the feet and hands.

Ein Kind spielt in der Badewanne mit Stapelstein® Inside rainbow classic
Water features

The Stapelstein® Original Is waterproof and has a strong buoyancy in the water due to its extremely light weight. But be careful: please only use in the flat water and under the supervision of adults. Stapelstein® Elements are not a swimming aid! By the way, both Originals as well as Inside Elements are stacked on water. The drum tones are particularly unique when the element floats on the water surface.

Mama und Kind kreiseln mit dem Stapelstein® board in blau
Roundabout games

Both the Stapelstein® Original as well as Inside and that Board can either turn into a roundabout or you can circle other things in it. As a great giant girdle, it works Stapelstein® Original and that Board, If you are placed on the side or placed on the round head side. On the head side of the head, a child can also circle around by sitting down in the hollow side and drives with the feet and hands.

Ein Kind spielt in der Badewanne mit Stapelstein® Inside rainbow classic
Water features

The Stapelstein® Original Is waterproof and has a strong buoyancy in the water due to its extremely light weight. But be careful: please only use in the flat water and under the supervision of adults. Stapelstein® Elements are not a swimming aid! By the way, both Originals as well as Inside Elements are stacked on water. The drum tones are particularly unique when the element floats on the water surface.

Game idea of ​​watercourse

How much water can you get from one Stapelstein® Original transport to the next? Ship as little as possible and you win when in the last Stapelstein® Original as much water as possible.

You can download the whole game idea and its variations as a PDF.

Illustration der Spielidee Wasserlauf
Kinder spielen Werfen und Fangen mit Stapelstein® Elementen und Luftballons
Litter and catch games

With the hollow side of the Stapelstein® Originals For example, balls can be thrown and caught. The light elements can - almost like a frisbee - be used as a throwing object. Try for even more variety Stapelstein® Inside Elements. There is an even greater range of variety and different levels of difficulty. In addition, that can Board can also be used as a kind of tennis racket.

Ein Kind transportiert einen Plüschkraken in einem Stapelstein® Original
Transport games

Collecting objects is a favorite jobs for many children. The hollow side of the Stapelstein® Elements are ideal for collecting different things and transporting from one place to another. Such as water, sand, balls, cuddly toys, bulk material, colored pencils or what else you can find exciting.

Kinder spielen Werfen und Fangen mit Stapelstein® Elementen und Luftballons
Litter and catch games

With the hollow side of the Stapelstein® Originals For example, balls can be thrown and caught. The light elements can - almost like a frisbee - be used as a throwing object. Try for even more variety Stapelstein® Inside Elements. There is an even greater range of variety and different levels of difficulty. In addition, that can Board can also be used as a kind of tennis racket.

Ein Kind transportiert einen Plüschkraken in einem Stapelstein® Original
Transport games

Collecting objects is a favorite jobs for many children. The hollow side of the Stapelstein® Elements are ideal for collecting different things and transporting from one place to another. Such as water, sand, balls, cuddly toys, bulk material, colored pencils or what else you can find exciting.

Ein Kind malt mit Kreide die Zahl fünf auf einen schwarzen Stapelstein® Original
Fantasy games

The Stapelstein® Elements are what the players: make it out of it! That means every color can stand for something else. For example, blue could stand for the category animals, red for the number 5 and green for a movement - a tumble tree. If necessary, these new meanings can be written with chalk on the different colors and washed off later. When playing, many exciting game tasks or funny stories are created with a little imagination.

Kind trommelt auf einem Stapelstein® Original
Sound games

You use the Stapelstein® Elements as a drum, warm sounds sound. The type of tones can be very different. With the fingertips, the drumming sounds like drizzle, for example. With the flat hand or with the fist, hard, strong tones are drummed, while painting over the fine surface sounds like wind. Different substrates and the stacking height influence the sound. If the element is on water (in the bathtub or in the swimming pool), the sound becomes more intense when drumming. Try different objects for drumming.

Ein Kind malt mit Kreide die Zahl fünf auf einen schwarzen Stapelstein® Original
Fantasy games

The Stapelstein® Elements are what the players: make it out of it! That means every color can stand for something else. For example, blue could stand for the category animals, red for the number 5 and green for a movement - a tumble tree. If necessary, these new meanings can be written with chalk on the different colors and washed off later. When playing, many exciting game tasks or funny stories are created with a little imagination.

Kind trommelt auf einem Stapelstein® Original
Sound games

You use the Stapelstein® Elements as a drum, warm sounds sound. The type of tones can be very different. With the fingertips, the drumming sounds like drizzle, for example. With the flat hand or with the fist, hard, strong tones are drummed, while painting over the fine surface sounds like wind. Different substrates and the stacking height influence the sound. If the element is on water (in the bathtub or in the swimming pool), the sound becomes more intense when drumming. Try different objects for drumming.

Game idea Klatsch & Stampf

Listen exactly! A: E teammate: In the claps a rhythm. Do you make this rhythm on the Stapelstein® Original to pound?

You can download the whole game idea and its variations as a PDF.

Illustration der Spielidee Wasserlauf

And now it's your turn! Go to new play and movement adventures, let your creativity run free, discover what is in you and use the variety of Stapelstein®.