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Be part of the movement!

Do you want to make a difference and be able to be yourself at the same time? At Stapelstein® Everyone has the opportunity to realize themselves in different roles and areas of responsibility. We work project -oriented and interdisciplinary, oriented in lean management.

Common values ​​combine us as a team. Become part of Stapelstein® And design with us an eventful life.

Work in a team. On site or from where you are.

Flexible work from home or in our office. Choose the work form that suits you. Digital structures and our Stapelstein® Werkraum make it possible to work remote or on site.

Design your working hours.

We work 36 hours a week so that there is still enough time for what you have next to you Stapelstein® moved. Our core working time is from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. You can adapt your remaining working time to your life situation. No matter whether child: he, family situation, studies or part -time independence - at Stapelstein® include individual flexibility and time together as a team.

Kinder sortieren im Stapelstein® rainbow pastel Gegenstände nach Farben

Holacracy - “playing” work

At Stapelstein® Working means acting in a team and at the same time self -organized and independent. Holacracy is a company form in which there is no top-down hierarchy. Every employee is important and is responsible for his area of ​​activity. So you actively shape the company, because only together we can move great.