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Holacracy – our organizational form

Holacracy – our organizational form

At Stapelstein®, the concept of "playful learning" is at the center of our daily work and shapes the entire company. For this reason, we have chosen the organizational form "Holacracy," which differs significantly from traditional hierarchical structures. Key elements of this method are self-organization, dynamic role distribution, and decentralized decision-making. Instead of traditional managerial roles, we rely on a flexible distribution of responsibilities.

The Features of Holacracy:
  • Purpose-driven: There is no classic leadership position. It is the common goal – fulfilling the purpose and mission of the company – that leads.
  • Dynamic Roles: Instead of rigid hierarchies, there are clearly defined roles with specific tasks and responsibilities. Each employee takes on multiple roles and acts autonomously and self-organized within them.
  • Circle Structure: From the individual roles, circles (=business areas) are formed that work together towards a goal. These circles are self-organized small teams and are part of a larger whole.
  • Clear Processes: Holacracy establishes precise structures for meetings, promoting efficient communication and clear responsibilities.
  • Dynamic Adjustment: The system allows for a flexible response to market changes or internal requirements. In the governance space, the "rules of the game" of the organization are worked on together. This means roles can be created to meet current needs, circles are built, changed, and optimized.
  • Distributed Authority: Decisions are made decentrally. Each role has the authority to make independent decisions within its area of responsibility that align with the overall goals of the company.
  • Transparency: Holacracy promotes transparency through clear rules and documented decision-making processes, increasing accountability at all levels.

Holacracy offers numerous opportunities to foster the strengths, creativity, and intrinsic motivation of employees.

Holacracy aims to lead a company both purposefully and with self-responsible employees. Each team member takes on responsibility and plays a crucial role in the company's development and success process. Independence, teamwork, reflection ability, and solution-oriented work are required competencies in a purpose-driven company.

Holacracy offers numerous opportunities to foster the strengths, creativity, and intrinsic motivation of employees and ensures a high degree of flexibility. This organizational form breaks traditional "top-down" hierarchies, is based on trust, and promotes collaboration at eye level among all employees of the company.