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3 outdoor game ideas for the summer

Der Sommer bietet unendlich viele Spiel- und Bewegungsmöglichkeiten im Freien. Egal, ob im Wasser oder an Land, mit Stapelstein® Elementen wird jeder Sommertag zu einem spannenden Abenteuer voller Spaß und Action. Um perfekt in die heißen Monate zu starten, probiere diese drei Spielideen aus, entwickle deine eigenen Lieblingsvarianten und genieße wertvolle Familienzeit – ob zuhause oder unterwegs.

3 Outdoor-Spielideen für den Sommer3 Outdoor-Spielideen für den Sommer


  • Benefits: This game is particularly about skill, mobility and creativity.
  • You need: 4 or more Stapelstein® Originals, Stapelstein® Inside Elements and for even more dynamics use one or more Stapelstein® Boards
  • Playmates: The game can be played alone, but from 2 players: inside it is even more fun.
  • Special feature: works with the Stapelstein® Inspire app (tool: feel time)

Base game:

Put on Stapelstein® Originals a path. Then build out of the Inside Elements a tower or a sculpture that you can wear well. Now run with your Stapelstein® Inside Tower over the elements. For more dynamics, use the Stapelstein Inspire app to cross the path in a certain time.

Variant 1: Water tower run

Build a tower or a sculpture in which you fill at least one of the shells with water. Now run over the elements without spilling water or pluning the tower.

Variant 2: movement run

In addition to the Balance Path, create various tasks for the Originals. For example, run at the blue Original a round around, with the green Original Make a squat and red Original Bump on both legs to the next element. Complete the path with yours too Inside (Water) tower.

Variant 3: professional run

Add that to your balance path Board In addition, and if you want, also share this a movement task as with variant 2. For example, stand on that briefly on that Stapelstein® Board. Additionally turn two Originals, who have no task around and fill them with water. These elements must not be touched when crossing the (water) tower.

Pour water

  • Benefits: This revolves around the joy of pouring, marveling, researching and experimenting
  • You need: 1, 2 or more Stapelstein® Originals, Stapelstein® Inside Elements
  • Playmates: The game can be played alone, but from 2 players: inside it is even more fun.
  • Special feature: works with the Stapelstein® Inspire app (tool: feel time)

Base game:

Many children love pouring games, especially when the element of water comes into play. Put two Originals in a large vessel filled with water, a bathtub, a pool or the like. Start with the middle Inside Element to fill the two shells floating in the water until they are full to the brim. Then fill the big ones Inside Shells with the smallest Inside Element. Experiment with the shells and let the water flow from shell to shell.

Variant 1: Experiment

Use other objects to fill, such as:
  • sponge
  • Washcloth
  • Cover of beverage bottles / mason jars
  • Spray gun
  • Spoon and many more.

Variant 2: temporary time

Are you two or more children? Then revitalize the wet fun by challenging each other and the time stops how long you need to fill with a certain object or who is faster. The children can also independently feel the “Time” tool in the Stapelstein® Use Inspire app. Please pay attention to water -protected use of the mobile device.

Variant 3: swims, don't swim

Place in the two empty, lying in the water Originals A small object, such as a small piece of wood, a blossom sheet, an glans, a legate, an office clip, a small pebble, a feather, a coin, etc. Originals With the smallest Inside Element and observe which objects swim and which one stay below? If you play in pairs or more, each child gets one Original.

Fill the bucket

  • Benefits: Endurance, concentration, skill and speed are required in this game.
  • You need: 2 or more Stapelstein® Originals, Stapelstein® Inside Elements, optionally one or more Stapelstein® Boards
  • Playmate: from 2 players: inside
  • Special feature: works with the Stapelstein® Inspire app (tool: feel time)

Base game:

For this variant you need a large container such as a bucket. Put the smallest in the empty bucket Inside Element and defines a distance of 5 or more foot lengths between the bucket and a water source, for example a water bucket or a paddock from which you can draw water. Marks the start line with a rope or stick. One or more are on the route Originals placed as obstacles that have to be crossed. The others Inside Elements are used as water transport shells, using all sizes of them. The aim of the game is to Inside To let the element in the bucket rise to the edge by adding water. The game starts on one sign.

Variant 1: Water betting shes

You form two teams with one bucket and all the required Stapelstein Elements. Now compete against each other. Which team can do it faster, the smallest Inside To wash the element to the top edge of the bucket?

Variant 2: About stick and stone

For this variant, further expands the obstacle course of the route according to your imagination. Do you have one Board available, then this builds up, puts cords as a balancing route, determines movement tasks for everyone Original And put on the obstacles crisscross in the field. The: The water carriers: In the full water transport bowl, the water carrier has to run over all obstacles to get to the bucket.

Variant 3: water thief

You play in pairs. Child A is: The water carriers: in, child B is the water thief. You design your field after the base game. Child A stand Inside Shells available for water transport, child B snaps a sponge or washcloth instead of this. Both start from the marked starting line and only overcome the parkour when walking, then it goes back without the obstacles. The game starts at a sign. The aim of child A is to fill the bucket until the smallest Inside Element swims at the top. Child B wants to prevent this as long as possible and always draws water out of the bucket with the sponge or washcloths and brings the water back to the water source. How long takes child A to fill the bucket? Then change the roles.

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