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Conscious use of resources: your contribution with Stapelstein®

We are aware of the need for responsible use of plastic resources. What special features therefore Stapelstein® Original ocean, mint and black You can find out in this magazine contribution.

Bewusster Ressourceneinsatz – Dein Beitrag mit Stapelstein®Bewusster Ressourceneinsatz – Dein Beitrag mit Stapelstein®

Which elements belong to ocean, mint & black?

Ocean consists of six of the same colored Stapelstein® Originals mint. You can also find the individual element in the shop Original mint and Original black. In addition, there is the right one for both colors Stapelstein® Board. In addition, our bestseller includes Original rainbow pastel as well as Original cool pastel, Original Fresh, Inside rainbow pastel, Inside cool pastel and all sets in the color spectrum pastel one element in each mint.

What is special about mint and black?

The elements in color mint consist of resource -saving EPP (expanded polypropylene), which contains 15 % recyclhat content from maritime industrial waste. By recyclate, recycling plastic particles mean that in this case comes from maritime industrial waste. Maybe you wonder why the proportion is not yet higher or is even 100 %, especially since there is tons of maritime industrial waste? In order to remain true to our quality requirements, the raw material needs for Stapelstein® Elements certain properties that are not always sufficiently found in recycling plastic. In 2023 could Original mint and ocean around 2.7 tons of recycling material from the sea are processed. Those elements of color black Also consist of EPP, which is prepared with 30 % post-consumer recycling material. Compared to the years before, the recycling proportion for black increased from 25 % to 30 % in 2024. You can be sure that we will continue to stay tuned to continue to increase the recycling content.

Why don't all colors have a recycling content?

That would also be our wish. However, there are still some factors that unfortunately do not make it possible to add all colors with recycled material. On the one hand, the recycling content depends on the nature of the starting material, the recyclate, which is already pre -shaped in terms of color and thus limits and difficult. Another limiting factor is the performance of the material in terms of strength, surface quality and fractivity.

Stapelstein® Creates plastic products. Is this a contradiction to sustainability?

It is true that we produce plastic products and do not look away from the plastic problem. On the contrary, we do our best so that we bring nature back a piece of balance. One solution is that we rely on recycling materials and are involved in clean-up projects in countries in the global south, where plastic pollution is particularly strong.

For every kilogram of plastic, which we through ours Stapelstein® Selling products with the plastic -neutral+ label, our cooperation partner protects Waster With its global environmental protection projects, nature before plastic waste.

In addition, it is important to us that our products can be integrated 100 % back into the recycling circuit. That means that everyone Stapelstein® Elements 1: 1 can be recycled because they are made of pure Monomaterial exist without any additives.

How can you actively contribute to the recycling circuit?

Are Stapelstein® After many years of use, elements no longer usable or broken, our withdrawal program ensures that you do not end up in household waste. Please take it contact with us. We are aware of our plastic footprint and at the same time we recognize the diverse positive properties of EPP. That is precisely why it is important to us to deal with it as resource -friendly and responsibly as possible. We are always looking for ways to minimize our environmental impact and to make the handling of plastic production as sustainable as possible.

Transparency is important to us to reflect on ourselves again and again and look for other solutions on how we can put less strain on the environment and give more back. With our action, we also want to inspire other companies in the plastics industry, to devote themselves to the necessary conscious handling of plastic and to take responsibility accordingly, and to initiate and to think.

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