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We celebrate spring with 5 game ideas

Spring is here! The days are getting longer again, nature is awakening and Easter is just around the corner. It’s high time to start outside with creative movement games that encourage play, fun and creativity Stapelstein® Elements playfully balance, skill and coordination - but what we Stapelstein® The well-being of the whole family is particularly important to us.Playing together connects and creates moments that are remembered. Here are five game ideas for you.

Wir feiern den Frühling mit 5 SpielideenWir feiern den Frühling mit 5 Spielideen

1st Easter course 

Whether in the garden or in the living room - builds with the Stapelstein® Elements an exciting course! Next to each element is at least one Easter egg that must be collected. The rule is: each person may only take one egg. Balancing over the elements, collect an egg and safely bring it to the other side where it is gently placed in a basket. How many eggs can you collect in a given time? Use a stopwatch, an hourglass or the tool "Feel time" in our Stapelstein® App Inspire.Do you want to make the game even more exciting? Then add your own creative rules - balance backwards, sideways or as a team in pairs over the course!

2 Fox and hare

One person takes the role of the fox, all others are the rabbits.For each rabbit there is a Stapelstein® Original or Grow As the rabbit’s nest." While the fox closes his eyes, the rabbits hop around happily. After a short time the fox calls: 1, 2, 3 - the rabbit hopping is over, I’m coming! " Now all rabbits must reach a rabbit coop as quickly as possible, they can sit on it, stand or crouch down. Who will make it to safety in time before the fox catches a rabbit? The first or last rabbit caught will be the new fox - decide for yourself, be creative and design the game according to your own rules!

Stapelstein® Original rainbow

3rd Bee dance

Spring brings many buzzing bees! If you are five people, for example, you need four Stapelstein® Elements, which are flowers and are distributed on the playing field. The playing children and adults dance freely around, without touching the elements. Whoever remains can give the next signal or must master a movement task.

4.Egg run time differently

The classic egg run gets Stapelstein® an upgrade! Builds a varied track from different elements - whether Originals, Mini, Grow, Board or Inside.The more variety, the more exciting the game will be! Integrates height differences by Original Stacked items For safe play, we recommend a maximum of three items per stack. Now it’s time to start: Balance an egg (hard-boiled, made of chocolate or fabric) on a spoon from one side of the track to the other. Then you pass the egg spoon to the next person - without supporting the egg with your hand or dropping it. Who will make the track the fastest without losing balance?

Stapelstein® Original rainbow pastel

5 Cold - Warm - Hot

In this game, child A is first blindfolded while child B closes her eyes. The game director comes up with a word that has as many letters as Stapelstein® Each letter is written or pasted on an element - with chalk, a letter card or wooden letters. Then the elements are hidden.

As soon as everyone is well hidden, child B opens her eyes and watches the game. Child A now begins the search and walks around, while the game guide notes with the words cold,warm" or hot":

  • "Cold" means child A moves away from the hidden element and should change direction.
  • „Warm" describes that it is moving in the right direction.
  • "Hot" means that it is already very close to the element.

Once child A has found an element, it takes the letter. Now the roles are swapped: Child B gets his eyes blindfolded and goes on the search. Continue until all letters are discovered.

At the end, the children put together the letters and try to decipher the word. Does it agree with the original word of the game director?

Stapelstein® Original rainbow pastel outdoor


With Stapelstein® Elements you can make spring and Easter playful and active - both indoors and outdoors. The colorful elements invite you to play creatively and promote motor skills, balance and imagination. Try it out, collect shared family moments that will be remembered for a long time and celebrate spring with playful movement and joy! You can find even more varied game ideas in the Stapelstein® Play.

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