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Kinder packen einen Stapelstein® Original rainbow pastel ausKinder packen einen Stapelstein® Original rainbow pastel aus

Win 1 out of 15 unique sets now

Win 1 out of 15 unique sets now

It is a big concern for us to give many children and people together with more exercise. All daycare centers, schools, clubs and other non -profit institutions therefore have the chance to win one of 15 unique sets every month. A set consists of six Stapelstein® Originals Unique and one Stapelstein® board unique.

Simply contribute to the registration form and with a little luck you are in: e happy: r unique winner: in. Remember you have a new chance of winning your unique set every month. It is worth staying and participating. Good luck!

Kind zeigt auf den gelben Punkt im hellblauen Stapelstein® Inside unique ElementKind zeigt auf den gelben Punkt im hellblauen Stapelstein® Inside unique Element

The process at a glance

  1. Enter in our registration form. All non -profit institutions (e.g. daycare centers, schools, clubs and day care) from Europe, Switzerland and UK are eligible to participate.
  2. Every month, 15 institutions are drawn by chance.
  3. The lottery pot empties after a month and it can be re -participated. Institutions that have already won are excluded.
  4. With the participation, the institution is correct to preserve the Stapelstein Newsletter and other offers. The consent can be withdrawn at any time.
  5. In return, we look forward to an experience report from your institution.

Click here for the complete conditions of participation.

Win one of 15 unique sets now!

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Conditions of participation
1. Organizer

Joboo GmbH Siebenmorgenstraße 5 70825 Korntal-Münchingen (hereinafter Stapelstein® called)

2. Eligibility to participate

All non -profit institutions (e.g. daycare centers, schools, clubs and day care) from Europe, Switzerland and UK, which have not yet won the unique competition, are eligible to participate.

3. Participation

The competition is participated by: The participants: Fill in the registration form and send them on time. Each: R participant: In may only take part in the competition once a month. Non -profit institutions that have already won a unique set are excluded. With the participation in the competition, he reports: The participants: in zum Stapelstein® newsletter for non -profit institutions. Stapelstein® reserves the right, each: n participant: to disqualify: who manipulates the competition or violates these conditions of participation. There is also a disqualification if there is a reasonable suspicion of manipulation or a violation of the conditions of participation.

4. Participation period and profits

The competition will take place on the first day of the month to the last day of the month until 11:59 p.m. on the website of Stapelstein® instead. You can win 15x unique set with six Stapelstein® Originals Unique and one Stapelstein® Board Unique worth 159 euros. The winners: In the inside, according to the competitions, the submissions are determined according to the random principle. A repeated entry in the registration form does not increase the chances of winning. The winners: In the inside, information is informed by email after the participation period has expired. You must then have the complete contact details (name, postal address) Stapelstein® transmit on the same way. If this does not happen within 5 working days, retains Stapelstein® before, one: n new: n winner: to be re -elected and re -awarded the profit. The winnings are then sent to the specified postal address on the mail. The profits do not pay a cash payment. The winners: In the inside, commit themselves Stapelstein® as soon as possible, at the latest after 30 days after receipt of the Unique set, a short experience report (approx. ½ A4 page) with 2–3 pictures (without children's faces) from your new eventful everyday life with the Stapelstein® to send elements.

5. Data protection

Our data protection regulations apply.

6. Final provisions

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies.