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Stapelstein® is a purpose company and owns itself

Stapelstein® ist ein Purpose Unternehmen und gehört sich selbstStapelstein® ist ein Purpose Unternehmen und gehört sich selbst

How can a company be managed with a long-term focus on purpose and not profit maximization? What if the company is inherited or sold one day and the new investors are more interested in amassing private profits than in the mission? How can Stapelstein® continue to provide exciting adventures in children's everyday lives, remain a transparent and honest company and thus secure the trust of customers, employees and business partners?

At this significant intersection, Stapelstein® meets the Purpose Foundation.

What is the Purpose Foundation?

The Purpose foundation is an international organization that supports companies in permanently independent and purpose -oriented. On the one hand, it is a contact point for advice and transfer of knowledge and on the other hand it is possible for the Purpose Foundation to legally bind companies to its independence and value orientation. We at Stapelstein... decided for the Veto model. The Purpose Foundation - 1 % “Golden Share” - is transferred to the company. Thus, the foundation has a veto law that is activated, among other things, when acting and investing against the company idea.

The Purpose Economy is a pioneering economic form that focuses on a we economy. For Hannah and Stephan, this is the key to guarantee long -term independent and appropriate corporate management.

A company in steward-ownership

In 2019 the Foundation for steward-ownership Founded to network with the endeavor purpose company even better and by using various options to legally binding the purepose principles.

Stapelstein® has been a company in steward-ownership and commits to the principles of self-determination and the asset commitment, of Purpose. That means:

  • Decisions lie with active entrepreneurs.
  • Profits remain in the company and cannot be taken for personal purposes.
  • The company cannot be sold or automatically inherited.


The principle of self-determination states that Stapelstein® No longer partners: Inside, who do not actively work in the company, but only sit on the steering wheel who work very close to the mission every day.

If investors want to support the company financially, it is possible to receive shares, but voting rights are excluded. The Purpose Foundation also only has a right of co -determination without profit sharing.

Binding assets

The principle of financial binding means: “Profit and assets cannot be removed for individual purposes, but serve the meaning and purpose of the company and its development. The focus is on the fulfillment of the original entrepreneurial task, ”says Jakob Willeke from the Purpose advisory team, which is part of the purple network for a sustainable and just economy and actively accompanied the founders: inside Stephan and Hannah in the process.

Profits are directly in projects from Stapelstein® reinvested or donated.

Stapelstein® belongs to himself

We celebrate this significant step into that steward-ownership Very because we have found a company form that corresponds to our values ​​and lets us grow independently as a company, as well as set an elementary sign in economic policy in order to give this future -oriented ownership structure more visibility.

Did you know that ...

In Germany now estimated around 300 pioneer companies in steward-ownership are set up? For example raccoon, unicorn, Waldorf shop or ecosia.

"For us, conversion into a company of this kind is the logical and mandatory consequence of how we look at our company and our life", explains Stephan Schenk, founder and designer of Stapelstein®.

Here you can find a detailed case study Stapelstein®

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